We aim to solve the social issues in three activity fields by providing delicious food for you:
Local production for local consumption, Healthy food for our community, and Minimizing food loss in supply chain throughout disposal.
Taking small actions to reduce environmental pollution, we strive to promote the 3Rs:
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to minimize the food loss.
In 2021, we were awarded Japan’s first three-star in the “Food Made Good” rating program.
We are proud of this three-star rating and continue working hand-in-hand with
our community to promote food sustainability.

福岡で働いていた頃 地元で獲れた新鮮な魚を使ったお料理に
九州出身の自分にとって それはとても印象的で
産地や季節にとことんこだわり 素材本来の味を生かしたお料理と
木々のぬくもりを感じる 心地よい空間の中
そんな気持ちが わたしたちKIGIのモチベーションです
By shortening the time it takes to get our ingredients from the vegetable fields and local fish markets to our kitchen,
we at Kigi want to make our guests feel as though the food we offer tastes like it was grown just outside our back door.
Each vegetable should taste as though it has just been pulled out of the ground, and every fish just pulled out of the ocean.
Our head chef grew up working in his family’s country restaurant, and his lifelong taste for fresh ingredients is his highest value.This devotion to freshness ensures that the food on your plate has all the flavor and goodness that it had when it was growing.
Presented with all the beautiful, subtle and playful imagination of nature herself, a meal at Kigi carries your senses to the source, with all attention focused on the ingredients themselves, prepared and offered with humility and sincerity.

We can also provide a variety of banquets such as weddings,
thank-you parties, farewell and welcome parties, etc.
reception parties, exhibitions, conferences, general meetings,
and conferences, general meetings, etc.
We will plan custom-made
to meet your needs.
We offer sustainable cuisine and
space that will please your guests.
Please feel free to contact us.
Seating: ~80 / Standing: ~120
レストラン予約、パーティー、ウエディングのお問い合わせは、下記のフォームからお送りください。 *印のついている項目は、必須項目です。
〒100-0014 東京都千代田区永田町2-10-2
2-10-2 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0014
Google Mapで開く
TEL 03-6205-8095